Return to Grace: A Call to Mercy on Ash Wednesday
Today, as the ashes mark our foreheads, we are reminded of our frailty — dust we are, and to dust we shall return. But in this moment of humility, we are also reminded of the boundless mercy of Christ. Ash Wednesday is not just a call to personal repentance; it is a call to extend the same grace we have received to others.
In a world quick to judge and slow to forgive, Christ’s example calls us to something radically different. He meets us in our weakness, not with condemnation, but with love. He does not measure our worth by our successes or failures, nor does He withhold mercy from those who have wronged Him. Instead, He invites us into His grace, asking us to mirror it in our own relationships.
Yet, how often do we withhold from others what has so freely been given to us? How often do we nurse grievances, pass judgment, or refuse to extend the forgiveness we ourselves so desperately need?
This Lenten season, let us return — not just to the dust, but to the heart of the Gospel. Let us come back to a place of mercy, of grace, of unrelenting love. We are all responsible for embodying the kingdom of God here and now, not only in our prayers and fasting, but in the way we love those around us.
As we journey toward the cross, may we remember: Christ’s mercy is not ours to hoard, but to share.
Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
PS — Here is a playlist to accompany today:
PSS — I have written a book for Lent, called: Journey Through Lent. Get your copy today.